Place of Hidden Waters
Place of Hidden Waters
Puyallup Tribal Housing Authority
Place of Hidden Waters, on the Puyallup reservation in Tacoma, Washington is a community center, gym, 20 unit townhouse complex and extensive park-like grounds with a dance circle and sweat lodge. The project was designed to achieve a high level of environmental sustainability, and the first phase is LEED Platinum certified. The first phase of the housing included a geothermal heating system. The community center is the expansion of an existing gymnasium which upgraded the building envelope and added a lounge, meeting areas and offices. Services and activities for residents of the complex and the adjacent Northeast Townhomes are provided in the community center.
Finance Consultant: Philippa Nye (as employee of Common Ground)
Architect: Environmental Works
Builder: Marpac Construction and PTHA construction crew
Funding Sources: Native American Housing Block Grant, tribal funds.
Year Completed: 2012